

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Choices and Opportunities

College has created some ambiguous situations for me. So, basically all throughout high school I was planning to be some kind of family practitioner doctor guy when I grew up. I was fairly solidified with this plan and had some uncertainty, but I figured that once I learned more about the profession in college I would be able to make a more informed and specific decision. The second part of this was true, but what I didn't expect was that the longer I have been in college, the harder it has been to make a decision about what my major/occupation should be and where my future should go. I still think I'm going to take a job in health care somewhere, but after my Intro to Health Professions class I am completely baffled as to what I'm going to do. I've looked a lot into music therapy, mostly because of my love for all things music/psychology/neurology. Especially after reading the books "Awakenings" and "Musicophilia" by Oliver Sacks and "This is Your Brain on Music" by Daniel Levitin (basically the most amazing book I have ever read, besides the scriptures). I absolutely devour everything related to music, psychology, or neurology that I come across, because those topics are of extremely high levels of interest to me. I don't know what kind of job opportunities are in music therapy, but I do know that it's one of the topics that interests me most. After attending a fireside today on personal revelation, I took up the matter with the Lord. A lot of what I learned in that fireside is that most of what we ask the Lord is never returned as an answer, mostly because He wants us to gain knowledge and experience. During the next few weeks (or months, or however long it takes), I'm really going to think about what I want to do in my life and what my earthly mission is. I don't know if I will be going the right way when I choose a path, but two things I learned tonight are: first, that the Lord heard my prayer. I don't know how I know, and I don't know if He will answer it, but I do know He heard me. Second, I know that Heavenly Father will never let me go down the wrong path without telling me so, and I know He can always help me (or anyone) return home if we are only willing to accept his guidance and counsel. As for now, I will be watching.

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